Ship Computer

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Revision as of 20:48, 15 March 2014 by Johneaux (Talk | contribs)

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The Ships computer can be accessed by clicking the 'Manage' button at the lower left of the screen then clicking the 'Computer' button.

A text mode type console will appear with display at top and input at the bottom.

Typing '?' will get a list of commands.



Typing 'show ?'. will get help on the show command

Using the Show command

  • rs. relates to the Ram Scoop and takes pressure, temperature composition readings when landed

Typing 'show rs.pressure' will give you the atmospheric pressure in bar (1 bar = 1 earth atmospheric pressure)

Typing 'show rs.temperaturec' will give the current temperature in degrees Celsius

Typing 'show rs.temperaturef' will give the current temperature in degrees Fahrenheit

Typing 'show rs.composition' will give you the gas composition of the atmosphere

  • gg. related to the Gravity Generator

Typing Typing 'show gg.g' will give you the gravity in g (1g = 1 earth gravity)

  • pm. relates to power module

Typing 'show pm.reactorpower' gives the reactor output

Typing 'show pm.capacity' gives give max capacitor capacity

Typing 'show' gives current capacitor energy level

  • mb. relates to the Mining Beam and is used to make core samples deep into the planet surface and to analyse the soil sample taken at EVA.

Typing 'show mb.samplemaps' will give a listing of planets with core sampling probes and thier current status

Typing 'show mb.samplemapoverlay' shows the sample probes final results overlaid on the relavent planet

Typing 'show mb.samples' will list all the soil samples you have obtained

Typing 'show mb.analyse <sample name>' will analyse a soil sample and give a result. eg: show mb.analyse jam1 rocky planet (8)

Typing 'show mb.coresample' will activate the mining beam to sample the planet deeper below the surface. your ship will need to be above the surface, close to the surface and facing the surface to take readings.

- The soil sample reading will be indicative of the whole planets surface. The core sample reading will be indicative of the one spot where the sample was taken.


Typing 'alias ?' will give you help on the alias command

Alias is used to make shortcuts for the long commands in the above 'show' section


Adding an alias takes the format of 'alias add name instruction'

eg 'alias add list show mb.samples' will alow you to just type list in future to show all your soil samples


typing 'alias list' will list the aliases you have programmed


Typing 'alias remove <name>' will remove the alias you programed with that name


Typing 'maininstruction ?' will give you help on the maininstruction command

maininstruction lets you run other instructions continuously, displaying the results on you main interface.

There are 5 boxes on your main interface that can display data, labeled 0 - 4, just above your speed indicator.


To add a display module use the format 'maininstruction add display (0-4) suffix instruction'

0-4 being one of 5 locations

suffix being some text behind the output to tell you what it is about

instruction is one of the 'show' instructions from above

eg to display the current outside temperature in the first slot above the speed indicator:-

type 'maininstruction add display 0 celcius show rs.temperaturec'


this will list the curent running instructions with the number so you can remove the correct one when required

type 'maininstruction list'


removes one of the running instructions

eg after you listed the instructions, you want to remove the first instuction.. instruction 0, type 'maininstruction remove 0'


ch relates to Cargo Hold

'ch eject <quantity> <item>' is used to eject stuff out of the cargo hold, such as unwanted minerals and passengers

eg 'ch eject 100 silicon'

This command is also used to deploy Core Sampling Probes to scan planet surfaces for minerals

eg 'ch eject 1 core sampling probe'


Used to clear the core sample maps


Typing 'close' will close the computer consol.

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