Getting Started2

From Ascent
Revision as of 20:46, 4 July 2014 by Joseph (Talk | contribs)

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Forum link:

Main menu options:

New Game - Start a new game

Load Game - Load the last played account

Register - Create an account for a new game

Log In - use account name and password to load a specific game

You must first create a 'New Game' before you can register a username and password. You will have a generic name like 'newuser1123' until you register. When you register all of your progress will be saved to the new account name.

If you want to play from a different computer, you can click the 'log in' button to access your saved game. The server will automatically keep everything in synch: i.e. once you've logged in on your work computer and your home computer (for example), you only need to click 'Load Saved Game' each time you want to go in and play.

When you first start, a tutorial should appear: it is recommended you follow the tutorial to get an initial understanding of the game. It will also grant you some bonus credits and deeds to start a farm on one of the planets (and to get rid of the tutorial text!).


W - Roll forwards

S - Roll backwards

A - Turn left

D - Turn right

Q - Roll left

E - Roll right

Space - Fire thrusters

Alt - Toggle gravity anchor

M - Toggle map on/off

Mouse Wheel or -/+ - Zoom in/out and move from 1st to 3rd person view

1 - First person view

2 - Third person view

Right Mose Button - Hold for Ship mouse control in first person view

Left mouse button/B - Fires laser in mining/salvage mode

H - Bring up a help screen with these key assignments

Personal tools

To Begin
Character Skills
Player Built Star Bases
Settlements and Colonies
PVE Combat