Getting Started

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Ascent:TSG has a moderate learning curve for new players, but with practice and patience, many new players adapt and overcome the obstacles. Veteran players attest that if a new player can conquer the in-game tutorial and reach the end of the storyline, then the new player is fully prepared for the advanced content. A new player can always ask question in the in-game chat if they are stuck. This wiki page is to help new players overcome the more non-intuitive challenges.


Running and Registering

The Space Game is a web based game, using the Unity engine. You can travel through space on a variety of space craft, trading goods and building settlements to earn credits.

The Space Game website has a giant 'Play Now' button at the top: you can't miss it! You will be taken to the game page, where you must first install the Unity web player. After installation, you will need to read and accept the 'Terms of Use' after which you should see the main game menu:

  • New Game
  • Load Saved Game
  • Register Saved Game
  • Log In
  • Set Quality

You must first create a 'New Account' before you can register a username and password. You will have a lame name like 'newuser1123' until you register, but all your progress will be saved. Click 'Register Saved Game' to go through the process of setting up a proper Username/Game Name, and associated Password. Your Username will be your in-game name.

If you want to play from a different computer, you can click the 'log in' button to access your save game. The server will automatically keep everything in synch: i.e. once you've logged in on your work computer and your home computer (for example), you only need to click 'Load Saved Game' each time you want to go in and play.

When you first start, a tutorial should appear: it is recommended you follow the tutorial to get an initial understanding of the game. It will also grant you some bonus credits and deeds to start a farm on one of the planets (and to get rid of the tutorial text!).


The Space Travel page contains information of how to get about in The Space Game. You can manually fly your ship, warp to far off locations, or jump to entire new star systems. An in game tutorial should appear when you first start, which will guide you through the activities available in game.

In Game Tutorial Story

The player is asked by Susan Steele for vital aid in rebuilding her business empire and beginning to restore order to the human race. Early priorities are food, followed by the raw materials of industry. After helping Susan to re-start her operations, the player is given an opportunity to begin production systems of their own. Initially in raw materials, later in refining and heavy industry.

This is the turning point for humanity. Either the player will lift us from the encroaching Dark Age, or the great downfall will be upon us.

Now What?

The tutorial should give you an entry in to the activities available. If you are still unsure what to do, this wiki is the best source of information. The main page of the wiki contains links to all the key activities available in the game. The game is primarily about trading, and building, to gain wealth. As you progress and gain more credits, you will gain more trading and building opportunities. Trading consists of Buying & Selling or accepting certain contracts. Settlements can be built on two planets (or all eight planets for a small fee).

Building a settlement takes quite a bit of resources and probably should not be attempted untill you have built up your reserves. It is recomended that you pursue trading, gas mining and asteroid mining to buid up to at least the 40 ton or 80 ton ship before you get serious about starting the grain farm on ceres. You can have a single grain farm producing on its own without any support buildings, but production will be limited. At least that will have some credits comming in from sales.

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To Begin
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Settlements and Colonies
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