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There are four political offices in Ascent:TSG which are determined in an election by colonists. Each colonist at a colony and OSB counts as a vote in the election and players that control a colony can 'convince' their colonists to choose a candidate.

Waervyn's Politics and Election Video


Player Political Roles

Any player in Ascent:TSG can become a political representative and achieve a relevant position of power, if they receive the majority of the colonists votes in an election.

Territory Control
Counted Votes
Responsibilities / Powers
Individual Colony
Individual Colony
Change colony name*
All colonies and linked OSB's at a planet
Change planet name
Star System
All colonies and OSB's in a star system

Change star system name

Propose/Accept/Deny construction of new warp gates to the star system

Inner Systems
All colonists in the universe
Allow/Deny construction of new warp gates to inner systems (with Jam as his overlord representing UNCA)

* Currently unavailable if new Mayor did not construct the colony.

The Political Arena

Any open politically-related information involving players and the election process is discussed in the Politics forum in a role-play (RP) format:



Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. While the Oxford English Dictionary offers a definition of role-playing as "the changing of one's behaviour to fulfill a social role", in the field of psychology, the term is used more loosely in four senses:

  • To refer to the playing of roles generally such as in a theatre, or educational setting;
  • To refer to taking a role of an existing character or person and acting it out with a partner taking someone else's role, often involving different genres of practice;
  • To refer to a wide range of games including role-playing video game, play-by-mail games and more;
  • To refer specifically to role-playing games.

Anything further then that is created mainly by us the community. Examples of community added politics are discussions on gate projects, proposals to Jam for elections and/or procedural changes, and many other forms of role-played (RP) politics. The basic premise is that all discussion be 'in character' of the political representative your in-game character reflects. When posting you do not post as a person playing a game or talk about game mechanics. If there is a bug, issue, or feature that affects your role play, try to explain the situation as an in-character politician.

In practice:

"I want to gate System X to Vulcan"


"I, Senator Hubes of System X would like to propose a gate to link the good people of System X to Vulcan...etc, etc, other political motivation, blah blah"

The Election Process

The UNCA (Jam the game developer) decides when it is time to have an election. After extensive discussions with the community, an election cycle of at least three months was chosen to allow newly-elected officials to plan and achieve long-term projects such as gate construction.

UNCA will announce elections in the Politics thread on the forums. An in-game mail will also be sent to all players that have a colony/OSB which qualifies in the election:

Mail - Election - You have pending votes message

Players will have one week to choose their candidates and can change their vote at any time during the voting period. To see your voting options, click Character, then Votes in the Player Info menu:

Character - Player Info 1 - crop 1.jpg

A menu of colonist totals will appear for each of the specific positions (Mayor, Governor, Senator, President) available to the player. A player selects a menu item and types in the name of the candidate they wish the colonists to vote for in the election. Colonists will oblige 100% with the player's request at this time. In the future, colonists with AI may awaken and vote individually.

Votes - Colony and OSB list - Before selecting candidate

Select a menu option and type in the name of the candidate (for Mayor, it is usually yourself):

Votes - Entering candidate name

The menu will update with your voting candidate. You can change the candidate name at any time during the election:

Votes - Colony and OSB list - After selecting one candidate

After the election, a in-game mail is sent to all the winning player candidates.

Election Results - Jan 15 2015 - Prime Prolapserium Mayor - crop 1.jpg


By-elections are monthly elections to elect Governors, Senators, and Mayors in previously uncolonized planets/star systems with no incumbent. The by-election will allow the acceptance of new political representatives for the new unrepresented colonies and star systems to become part of the UNCA government and participate in debates in the Politics forum. A by-election has no effect on the currently elected Mayors, Governors, Senators, or President in other incumbent star systems.

As of April 2015, monthly by-elections are now automatically scheduled for the third of every month in systems/planets with no incumbent. The by-election lasts for two days.

Previous Full Elections

Colonial President

The Colonial President is elected by the majority of all colonists that vote in the Ascent:TSG universe.

Player Elected
July 23, 2014
January 15, 2015
June 20, 2015


Senators are elected by the majority of all colonists that vote within a specified star system.

July 23, 2014
January 15, 2015
June 20, 2015
Miner's Paradise
January 15, 2015
June 20, 2015
New Dawn (formerly RAMPlex)
January 15, 2015
June 20, 2015
(New Dawn)
January 15, 2015
June 20, 2015
Menzel 3
January 15, 2015
June 20, 2015
Primo Spe
January 15, 2015
June 20, 2015
June 20, 2015


If you have been elected to a position, the following computer commands become available depending on your position (open computer, type a question mark, hit return to see list):

Election - Computer commands


Renaming a planet/moon

Player needs to be in orbit of their planet/moon for this command to work:

gg.nameobject <New Planet/Moon Name>

Example: gg.nameobject Guild Prime


Renaming a star system

Player needs to be in their star system for this command to work:

gg.namesystem <New Star System Name>

Example: gg.namesystem Miner's Paradise

Planning a warp gate

Player needs to be in the system where they are Senator. Fly to a location where a new warp gate would be best, such as near other warp gates. Type:


A proposed gate will appear. Now you need to hyperjump to the star system where you want the gate to connect. This can be any system. When you arrive at the new system, find a good location and once again type:


A window will appear showing the material requirements. You can click Yes or No to propose the gate. If you click Yes, then the gate will be proposed and a mail will be sent to the Senator of the destination system you just connected. If the Senator accepts the gate, then the gate becomes active for construction and can be filled with materials.


If you constructed a colony and made yourself Mayor, then you maintain full control of the colony. If someone named you Mayor of a colony you did not construct yourself, you currently have no powers; not even the power to change the colony name (pending game fix).


President Elect gets to Approve or Deny gate proposals to the original inner 9 systems.

Usually a post will be made in the Politics section of the forum by the President asking for debate, for and against.

After the community discusses various aspects of the gate proposal, the president will usually then discus the pros and cons with UNCA.

Only if UNCA is satisfied that the get is required would the President then approve the gate.

Gate approval by the president does not allow the gate to start building, it then goes to an approval request directly to UNCA.

Only after UNCA approves the gate will it be able to be built.

Currently with 4 gates out of the inner 9, UNCA are at the opinion that no more gates are required.

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